To check whether or not this is causing the slowdown, click on the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen, and then click on App Store. Have you been clicking ignore when you get notifications about a new update available for your computer? If you think you need professional Mac repair because your computer is running slower, it may just be in need of an operating system upgrade. This is one simple and quick Mac repair that anyone can try. That means if a running application had crashed in the background and caused the slowdown, the restart may reset it and fix it completely.

That’s right, sometimes issues with the performance of your Mac can be solved with just a simple restart! When you restart your computer, the entire operating system shuts down and reboots. One of the first steps you can take to attempt a Mac repair is to restart the computer. If it does, then you may not need to ask a Mac repair professional for help! If there are one or two applications that are using a high percentage, shut these down and see if your computer begins to run faster. This will pull up a list of all active applications and show you the “% CPU” that each is using. To find the Activity Monitor, press command and the space bar, and then type in “activity monitor” into the search bar. On Apple computers, however, users need to access the Activity Monitor to get this information. Windows users may be familiar with the Task Manager application, which shows you what programs are running and whether or not they are responding.

There are many reasons why a Mac computer could be running slow, but start by trying these quick fixes that solve the most common problems: Have you noticed that your Mac is running slower than usual? Before you decide to seek a Mac repair professional for help, you could try troubleshooting on your own.